Past Life Reports

Now available!
Find out who you were in a last life and also what you were doing, where you were born, and other information that more often than not is connected with your present life now.
The report will be emailed to you and will often seem to change as you change.
Find out your life lesson, the direction you are heading and data on the country you were last born in.
All for just $70 USD.
All we need from you is your present name you are known by, your birthdate and an email address to send the report.
When you pay via paypal we get your email but please send an email here so we can authenticate your order and also so you can send us your birthdate.
So order your own Past life report today!
Some of the reports from years gone by!
One man could not sit in a cafe with his back to people. Turns out in his last life he was shot in the back with an arrow.
Another was afraid of water. Turns out in her last life she drowned in a river while being chased by Indians.
Then there was the man who was born in India in his last life and had a name like smith. He was into philosophy and the power of the mind. As he was on a double life span lesson with a name like smith and living today in New Zealand what do you think the chances were that he was Indian. Turns out when he collected his report he was Indian born in Southern India but his parents were born in northern India and he had just passed his degree in Philosophy from the university and wanted to know if he was on the right track!
These reports are amazing and will give insight into why you do what you do today or why certain things are easy or why you do not like doing certain things or why you have certain fears.
So get your Past life report today!