Welcome to the Phoenix Healing Center online

Run by Dr Jonathan & Rachel Sherwood
in Wiltshire United Kingdom
At the healing centre here in the lovely Wiltshire countryside you can find lectures and other events on alternative awareness like meditation, healing, readings both tarot and past life, and others as follows:
Why not become an affiliated member and get 20% off anything you buy through us. To find out more go to affiliate member left!
Personal Tarot readings
Channeling Sessions Evenings only 8pm - 9pm Thursdays
1 or 2 day Weekend Workshops
Meditation evenings Fridays 7pm-9pm
Private Healing sessions available daily mon-fri 9am- 3pm
Weekly evening lectures 7.30pm-9.30pm
Current Crop Circle data.
For your own personal appointment for a reading, Healing or to check in for a lecture or workshop or to obtain a brochure of what’s coming up. Call 01380818067 today!
To see what Dr Sherwood does or subjects he covers have a look at our other web sites here at http://rajon.com or http://cropcirclexplorer.com
Healing is an integral part of what we do and have developed healing techniques for many areas. Healing animals is another area we cover.
Phoenix Shop
Egyptian scented oils (All our own creations)
Ka-lei fashions (Coming soon!)
New forum now available!
plus lots more.
You can also buy direct from our online shop as we deliver anywhere in the world.
New magazine available!

To order just click the banner above
Computer repair service with us.
Drjohn’s computer repair service in Wiltshire.
For details 